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Terms and Conditions


“Purchasing Institution” is the individual school or person which purchases resources from Nichola Wilkin Ltd. It does not include any other differently named schools or academies in a different and/or discrete catchment area or with a different intake criterion even if it is under the same academy, trust, head teacher’s or department head’s control.  


“Resources” is all the work purchased from Nichola Wilkin Ltd which includes the lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, handouts, worksheets, homework, teacher’s notes, mark sheets, mark book, workbooks, assessment materials, diagrams, images, videos, training programs and programs.  


You may:

1. Install or upload the Resources on the Purchasing Institution’s secure VLE and/or school network to be accessed by students and teachers by a secure login facility 

2. Print and photocopy worksheets and handouts to distribute to students within the Purchasing Institution 

3. Allow the Resources to be passed to other teachers within the Purchasing Institution 

4. Modify or adapt the Resources to personalise any instructions or directions (such as “save your work on the K drive” or “email your work to me at _____@____” 

5. Make one copy for archive or backup purposes only which will still be bound by these terms and conditions  


You may not (without the written permission of Nichola Wilkin Ltd or Nichola Lacey): 

1. Reproduce transmit or distribute the Resources in any form outside of the Purchasing Institution, with the exception of photocopying handouts, worksheets and workbooks for students’ personal use and putting content onto the Purchasing Institution’s secure network or VLE 

2. Reproduce, transmit or distribute the Resources to other schools, legal entities, individuals or teachers outside of the Purchasing Institution 

3. Redistribute resell license sublicense lend rent lease assign or transfer the Resources or otherwise make it available for use or distribution to any other individual educational institution or legal entity 

4. Upload the Resources onto the internet for use or consumption by the general public 

5. Use or incorporate any of the images files pictures videos animations games text or diagrams in your own original work or to publish distribute or display or pass it off as your own work  


Copies of the Resources must not be retained by individuals once they leave the employment of the Purchasing Institution.



These Resources are provided to support the delivery of computing and computer science , but in no way constitute an endorsed teaching method that is required by the any particular exam board, and the decision to use them lies with the individual teacher.  


Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content, Nichola Wilkin Ltd cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions within the Resources.



The copyright of all materials in this publication, except where otherwise stated, remains the property of Nichola Wilkin Ltd and Nichola Lacey. Nichola Lacey hereby asserts her moral rights to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.  


Links to third party resources

Nichola Wilkin Ltd accepts no responsibility for resources which are hosted by third parties and are accessed by links in the Resources.  Where such third party resources no longer work because a third party has moved or removed a resource  it is up to the Purchasing Institution to source and maintain links to other suitable external third party resources once the Resources have been purchased.


Accessing your resources

If purchasing Resources directly through the website (i.e. not paying via an invoice) your Resources will be available to download once payment is confirmed and an email to the address provided when the order was placed contains the link to download the files.


If you are paying for Resources through an invoice, a link to download your Resources will be sent after the order is confirmed. Please ensure you download the Resources before the link expires.


Payment terms

Our invoices are due for payment 30 calendar days from their date.  We reserve the right to charge for costs and expenses incurred in recovering late payments and to charge interest on overdue amounts at the rate in force pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as at the due date.


Our payment terms when ordering via purchase order and paying with bank transfer or cheque is 30 calendar days. This is regardless of school holidays. Please make sure this is made clear to your finance department prior to placing any orders to avoid late payment fees.  If you cannot guarantee due payments over the school holidays we suggest paying directly on the website rather than ordering with a purchase order.


Returns, exchanges or cancellations

Due to the digital nature of these Resources, we do not accept returns, exchanges or cancellations. Please note it is your responsibility to check you have the software required prior to purchasing.


Digital downloads are given their own unique category under the Consumer Contracts Regulations and are therefore not services or goods. By completing your on-line purchase you are agreeing to be sent an automatic download link for the Resources prior to the14-day cooling off period has ended and are therefore giving your consent to waive the 14-day cooling off period. This means that once the digital download link is sent you are ineligible for a refund unless the product is faulty.  


If the product is faulty we have the opportunity to fix or replace the digital content before you can claim a refund.



General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


Nichola Wilkin Ltd agrees to:

  • only collect information that we need for a specific purpose (recording and processing invoices and electronic marketing emails where the individual has subscribed to our mailing list)

  • keep data secure

  • ensure data is relevant and up to date

  • only hold as much data as we need, and only for as long as we need it (in the case of accounts this will be for 3 years from the end of the financial year after the date of payment)

  • allow the subject of the information to see their personal data on request and request amendments if necessary


The Data Protection Officer, Nichola Lacey ( has overall responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of ensuring Nichola Wilkin Ltd. meets the expectations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


To read our full GDPR privacy policy click here


We make every effort to ensure that the information displayed on the website is accurate, but cannot be guaranteed.


We reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time.


Any questions? Email:  


© 2012 - 2021 Nichola Wilkin Ltd and its licensors. All rights reserved.

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24 Crow Hill Lane, Great Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 5AW, UK    
+44 (0)1954 205263


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